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A Twitter ban at the royal wedding? Tripe Initially, it was thought that guests would merely be told that it would be highly impolite to do anything technological during the ceremony. And, despite Yahoo's reporting, it may well be that this is just a ruse to prevent any untoward beeping phones or tweeting peeps. I can find no specific mention of what blocking technology might be used, or how far it might extend.Indeed, CBS News is reporting that the Metropolitan Police maintain that they have no official policy on mobile communications around wedding and that no restrictions have been issued. Metropolitan Police spokesman Eddie Townsend told CBS News: "The story is not true, rubbish." Likewise, the Telegraph reportedly quoted a police spokesman as saying the story is "absolute garbage."And the Register, too, has determined that the Yahoo report is balderdash. The Register says it has spoken with different baton-wielders, who said that such a blanket would be, well, illegal. It seems that the only place it may be legal in the U.K. to jam signals is in jail. Marriage is, of course, a confinement of an entirely different nature.Moreover, the Register says that the operator O2 is actually preparing additional base stations to cope with demand.It is true that the royal family has been in something of a forbidding mood in the run-up to the event. It has already reportedly prevented an Australian satirical show from putting its own spin on wedding footage.But Twitter is bursting at its hinges with excitement. It currently has a promoted #royalwedding hashtag (promoted by whom?) that is filled with gushings such as "Can't wait to see the Royal wedding dress. What celeb designer would YOU choose to design yours?"Not to mention the highly optimistic: "I'd be a lot more interested in this royal wedding if one of them were elected #royalwedding #justsaying."It would surely be an act of arrant meanness to prevent access to the instantaneous outpourings for which Twitter has become famous. Lay people worldwide will be emoting beyond the boundaries of reason. And Twitter itself has released a natty photo of its own Biz Stone preparing the servers for the inevitable train of tweets that will fill its electronic aisles.For myself, I look forward to learning from, say, a politician, a cleric or a retired general that they are dying to go to the loo or that the king of a neighboring country seems to have been at the absinthe.That's what Twitter's for. Let's not fight it. Twitter now has an empire more significant than the one the Brits pillaged and squandered. Surely, if it is not given full voice, it will start one of its characteristic rebellions.A walk in the park: Google Maps hits the trails in California MILL VALLEY, Calif. -- It's around noon on a Tuesday during a work week, and instead of being holed up in the office, I'm breathing in the fresh air at Mount Tamalpais, one of Northern California's most popular natural landmarks.For those not as fortunate, Google hopes to give you a virtual consolation prize: the company on Tuesday released Street View footage of 14 California state parks and beaches. The project, announced at a press event here, is in partnership with California State Parks.The newly mapped parks and beaches -- aside from Mount Tam -- include: Tomales Bay, Point Lobos, Angel Island and Marina State Beach. Using Street View, people can now take a virtual trip to the parks and beaches and trek along popular trails.Related StoriesGoogle: No app? No problem for Web-connected devicesGoogle strikes back at News Corp.'s antitrust complaint to EUEU to Google: Improve antitrust settlement or face charges"Just because the road ends, doesn't mean there's not more beautiful imagery to be seen," Deanna Yick, program manager for Google Street View, told CNET.Yick said the company is working with the state to identify more locations to map out, and is also looking at parks outside of California. She notes that a few of them have already gotten the Street View treatment, including New York City's Central Park.The new views of the state parks underscore the ever-increasing granularity of Google's maps, as the company invests in technology -- from image-capturing backpacks to satellites -- that aim to stitch together a comprehensive view of the world. Almost 10 years ago exactly, in October 2004, Google bought a small satellite imaging company called Keyhole, which kickstarted the company's mapping efforts for the decade to come. Since then, Google's mapping ambitions have exploded. There are more than one billion active monthly users of Maps services, and the company has mapped more than 5 million miles of road on Street View. The company in 2008 began an on-the-ground campaign to get accurate local information for its maps, which uses a mix of algorithms, satellite and other imagery and other reports to keep the maps up to date. With the addition of countries including Thailand, Poland and Romania, the company last month said 50 countries were a part of the program.Google began its partnership with the California State Parks department for the project in July. Above, John Laird, secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency, helps unveil the maps.James Martin/CNETMost recently, the company has also focused efforts on indoor mapping, which would be helpful for big functions like conferences and sports events. Google has also in recent months set its gaze more toward space, with the acquisition of the Skybox Imaging in June for $500 million. The startup will help Google to build and launch its own fleet of satellites, which will in part serve to improve Google's maps products, the company said.But even with those lofty space race ambitions, the company hasn't forgotten about Earth. The images of the California parks where taken using Google's Trekker, a 40-pound backpack jammed with GPS-tech and a 360-degree spinning camera. The backpack has 15 lenses and takes still photos every 2 seconds.Since being unveiled in 2012, Google's Trekker backpacks have been used to create Street View maps of places that are inaccessible by car, such as the Galapagos Islands and Venice's famous canals. Yick said that all of the imagery for the 14 state parks were captured by just two Trekker backpack operators over the course of two or three months. Google Street View goes off road in California...See full gallery1 - 4 / 7NextPrevGoogle began its partnership with the California department in July, Yick said. The goal, state officials said, is to make the parks more accessible, and to "modernize" the state parks system."We live in an age that, when people go to a restaurant, they look it up first," said Lisa Mangat, acting director of California State Parks. "That's the millennial mentality." With the Street View imagery, people can do the same when planning a trip to a park. Another more sentimental reason for looking at the footage might be trying to relive a moment virtually, if people are unable to head to the trails physically."But there's no substitute for experiencing it in person," said Yick.No kidding. During the press event, a gust of wind knocked down two large photos displayed behind the dais as Yick was talking. "Well, that's nature for you," she said, laughing.